Change Log

  • 12-31-24
    • Another attempt at a comment box system. Previous one didn't work, this one appears to be working but isn't self-hosted so I'm unsure of it but seems like it may be the best option.
  • 12-30-24
    • Testing out a new comment box system that won't require logins or anything.
  • 12-13-24
    • Had to create a number of changes for Opera browser because my god, it surprisingly doesn't render the same even though it's chromium.
    • Changed how the links in the sidebar worked, forgot they needed a target.
    • Sidebar src was incorrect. Fixed.
  • 12-12-24
    • Been awhile since I updated, but this is a doozy. I actually moved to editing the site in VS Code to lower the number of site updates you will see when I'm updating or playing around with the site.
    • Updated Copywright for new year.
    • Removed the Media Travelogue section, I liked the idea but I don't think it was worth doing so I moved those entries into the Blog.
    • Moved all blog entries into individual entries into the blog. Newer blog entries were already getting their own pages, but there were some that were built into the blog index, those now have their own pages.
    • Added a blogroll type feature where each blog payge has previous and next links that will take you to the corresponding entry to let you navigate easier.
    • The front page no longer has "featured" blogs on it, instead it will have the most recent blog entry, as well as the blogroll. You can click on the header for that blog entry to take to the blog entry's individual page. There will be no difference between that and the front page.
    • Moved the side bar into an iframe to reduce number of loads. I had considered doing the same for the main box as well, but that would have created navigation issues.
    • I had not set up the commentbox correctly, I have fixed that.
    • I found a decent firefox button so added that to the sidebar. FYI, back in the day this was normal to advertise for stuff like browser that worked well for your site!
  • 7-17-24
    • Added a comment box from, this may be a temporary solution. I think long term I'd like to host such a thing on this site, but for now this will do. Don't be surprised if comments get purged at some point.
  • 7-6-24
    • Added a site counter
    • Added Switch Collection to the collection tab. Right now this is just to test out the idea. I need to create a better spreadsheet for this and then figure out a decent way of displaying it but I think it works for now.
  • 7-5-24
    • Added a travelogue, I just wanted to get a first attempt under my belt, not sure if it will be final format or not.
    • Also added a box for a featured travelogue on the front page
  • 7-3-24
    • Added pages for ChangeLog, Blog, Media Travelogue, and Collection, all with their own banners
    • Added a background for the right sidebar
    • Updated the Navbar so that each section will be red and underlined when you are on the page/section that you are on.
  • 7-2-24
    • Site Launched! Woohoo!